
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 01:18:42


托马斯,你好关心我! 谢谢,我不是在这里,很多事情都发生了. 心中激动,更是忙工作,没有时间去卡拉OK 我希望你能很快适应,我想我们可能不会再见了。从表面上看,我很抱歉,也许我会离开,离开公司。我现在打算辞职 但尚未证实. 如果辞职一天,我会告诉你,我希望你能在日本过的快乐. 工作能顺利进行.


Hello THOMAS! Thanks for your consern, I'm not very fine these days.There are a lot of things have taken place recently. I'm so tired and agitated with busy work that had not time to karaoke. I also hope see you soon But...I think we may not see eachother from now on. I am sorry, maybe I should leave GUANGZHOU, and leave this company,.I intend to resign, but not confirmed. If true, I will tell you in the leaving day.I hope you enjoy your time in Japan. May you everything goes well.

Hey thomas!

Thanks for caring. I'm not very good , there has been a lot going on here lately, I'm fidget and work is so busy, so i haven't had time to go to karaoke,I hope i can cat